
Happy Thanksgiving

I'd like to apologize to my handful of lovely readers for really dropping the ball over the past week (and this week!). I've been busy trying to unlock as much crap as possible in Dynasty Warriors 6. In fact, I will probably review the game soon. There are also at least 2 more shows from this fall season I want to take a look at (or rather give you a look at), Kuroshitsuji and e.f. A Tale of Melodies. One is sort of a cross between Hellsing and Majin Tantei Nougamu Neuro, and the other flows like a visual novel (and may very well be based on one; I'll have to look into it).

But for now, all I can do is report on Crunchyroll's newest acquisition - Naruto Shippuden. I am also happy to report that fansubbing group Dattebayo will cease their work on the show when Crunchyroll launches it in January. If you're interested (I'm not), starting January 15, in conjunction with Viz Media, Crunchyroll will begin airing Naruto with English subtitles 1 hour after their Japanese broadcast...for a monthly subscription fee. You can view them for free a week after they air. Joost and Hulu will be also be airing the episodes, as will Naruto.com. It's a fantastic step in the right direction for companies to compete with fansubs (instead of trying to stop them while doing nothing to replace them). Hopefully some better shows will be getting the treatment as well (they did this with Strike Witches, I believe, during the summer, and there are other shows that will get the treatment from this season starting in 2009 as well, including Skip Beat!). I hope it works out well for them.

But for now, I won't have time to write up anything review-like before I'm busy visiting family this weekend. Hopefully next week I'll have time to sit down and work on some things.
For now, Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!